Friday, July 6, 2012

Adult Volunteer Delivers Donation to New Delhi

Sudha, an adult volunteer, will be travelling to India later this month. She graciously offered to personally deliver a donation to Project Why that will go towards a technology center at the Women's Center, allowing the women and children there to take computer classes and develop marketable skills. This donation was made possible by Sudha and fund-raising through Chess Without Borders. Thank you to everyone who supported this cause, but especially Sudha for her generosity and willingness to help.
Photograph of Sudha volunteering at a recent chess tournament.

Sujit Travels to New Delhi

Last month, Sujit, a long time volunteer and supporter of Chess Without Borders and the Meher fund, traveled to India with his mother (who is also a longtime volunteer and supporter of ours). After over four years of volunteering and fund-raising for her cause, Sujit was able to meet Meher in New Delhi at the Women's Centre of Project Why! They were both delighted to meet each other and Meher gave Sujit a tour of the center, showing off the excellent English she has learned at school. Sujit also made a donation to Project Why (as shown in the photograph above). Thank you Sujit for all of your support and hard work! None of this would have ever been possible without the generous spirit of volunteers and supporters like you.

Special Thanks to Ethan

Ethan, a 2nd grader from Barrington, IL, was so moved by Meher's story that he chose to donate his own money towards her education fund. He has been involved with Chess Without Borders and felt inspired to take action. We are very grateful to him for his generosity and support.
Photo of Ethan explaining his desire to donate at a recent chess tournament.